Medical Services:
Medsource is a trusted medical services provider to industry and other private entities in Canada.
Our medical staff are professionally registered within the province your work site is based, allowing you to rest assured that you have a true professional taking care of your job site. Our staff are the core reason Medsource is a cut above the rest. Our dedicated individuals draw on their wealth of experience to keep them and you safe in the most remote parts of the world.
Detailed medical protocols along with physician led medical direction allows our staff to operate to the highest level their training will allow. Medsource medics are supported by having the best and most in depth equipment available to them to serve your job site better.
Safety Advisor / Corporate HSE:
Field Safety Advisors:
Medsource staff have a wealth of knowledge and experience in providing site safety services for clients throughout Canada. Allow us to compliment your operation with contract staff to alleviate the need to hire internally for short term contracts.
We can provide advisors and integrate them into your corporate policy. A unique benefit of contracting safety services through us, is when an out of the box issue is addressed, you get the wealth of a team of experts instead of a single advisor. Our corporate commitment to the support of our field operations is second to none. Our staff have varying credentials including NCSO, CRSP, NEBOSH and certificates and degrees in health and safety.
Corporate HSE Support:
Medsource can provide corporate HSE support to your projects. We have been an active part of ERP development and providing direction for field level operations. Our wealth of experience can compliment your project team either through direct input or through a check and balance system. Our high level of medical organization, combined with corporate HSE experience allows us to assist with case management for injured or ill workers and offer return to work programs. We pride ourselves on controlling and minimizing the impact of workers involved in incidents.
Medsource proudly serves the following sectors:
Facility / Plant Work:
On large plant jobs our medics can assist with your safety department by providing orientation + ticket tracking, muster + access solutions, and coordination with ERT services. We are value added through our approach to a global solution rather than just the placement of a medic for OHS reasons.
Drilling and Completions:
Our Site medics not only provide emergency medical support to your project, but we can assist with your corporate safety systems, muster services and certification tracking. Our hybrid services allow our site medics to provide other value added services and functions to your job site!
Pipeline / Construction:
We understand the unique complexities of working in these environments. Harsh terrain, always moving and lots of workers in a small work space…. Competent staff and the right equipment make Medsource the right solution.
Forestry / Seismic / Harsh Terrain Access:
Medsource medics are capable of taking our services to the most remote spots in our provinces. Medics assigned to these jobs receive additional training including survival, helicopter operations training, all terrain vehicle operation and job specific medic training to deal with incidents in these harsh conditions.
Sports / Community Events:
We can assist private businesses and promoters to ensure proper medical provisions for local events. We have been involved with rodeos, car rallys, soccer tournaments among other events requiring medical support.